
Patient Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the medical clinic hours and how do I make an appointment?

Each location's hours vary. Find a location near you, the hours are listed for each location. Request an appointment here. Patients are seen by appointment and walk-ins are welcome. If your medical problem is such that you must be seen immediately, every effort will be made to see you. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please call as far in advance as possible so we can schedule another patient in your place.

Can I talk to a doctor on the phone?

Our telephone policies are structured to allow us to care for you with a minimum of interruptions, to answer questions and to take care of urgent problems. Emergency calls will be handled immediately. However, less urgent calls will be returned by a physician or a nurse after patients in the office have been seen.


What information do I need to bring to my appointment?

At the time of your visit, our receptionist will ask you to present your insurance card, photo id, as well as to complete patient information forms. These forms are updated every 30 days in order to keep patient information current. Because these items have a bearing on your health and physical status, the doctors need to know your occupation, age, etc. You also need to bring with you all medication you are currently taking. You will be asked to sign an authorization for release of medical information and an authorization for your insurance company to pay the doctor directly for charges incurred. All the information you provide is kept strictly confidential.

Does Cookeville Medical Clinic accept my health insurance?

We accept most forms of insurance. We will file all private insurances and accept TennCare and Medicare.

How do I get a copy of my medical records?

All requests for copies of medical records must be in writing. We have a medical records release form that we will be happy to fax or mail to you. There is a charge for medical records that are requested for personal use by state law. There is no charge if you would like your records sent to another physician whose medical care you are seeking.

Please allow one week for processing of medical records requests. If your records are needed for another doctor’s appointment, please specify so on your request, and we will make sure that the physician has them in time for your appointment.

What is the charge for disability forms?

The fee for disability forms can be found by calling the office at 931-528-8899. Please be prepared to pay this fee when dropping off the forms to be signed and allow a 72-hour turn-around time for processing. Such forms will be completed when the physician is not with patients but can vary.

What if I need X-rays?

If within the last six months, you have had X-rays relating to your current problem, please contact the physician who ordered them or the hospital X-ray department where they were taken and have them sent to us or bring them with you to your appointment. This will save you the time and expense of having new X-rays taken.

Can I refill a prescription after hours?

Because they do not have access to your medical records, it is difficult for the physicians to determine if a prescription is indicated during off hours. Therefore, prescriptions and refills for narcotics are handled during our regular business hours only. You will need to schedule an appointment to see a physician before any prescriptions will be re-prescribed.